Our trip fulfilling lifetime dreams.
Diane and Barney On the road to Alaska and back!
Hello family and friends. We are happy to provide this web site so that you may follow along on our adventure. This site will also serve as our log of the trip so you may find it a little wordy in places. We want to record as much as possible about this once-in-a-life-time trip so please be patient with us. This will be a lengthy document if all works well, since it will cover about 60 days of our trip.
You can click on the thumbnail photos to get a larger view. You may be disappointed in the quality of the images but keep in mind that they were made in 2002. 640 x 480 pixels was considered a ‘friendly’ size for use on webpages in those days. Smallness was best for increased upload and download speeds.
To navigate through the pages, simply click on the days or dates that you want in the righthand sidebar.
Those we must thank for their help:
- Francis and Jeannette Beaty (Advice, since they made this trip twice)
- Carl and Betty Arnold (Loan of microwave)
- Betty and Kinzey Reeves (Enthusiastic support & resources)
- Darrell and Priscilla Moench (Doing our yard work while we are gone)
- Rick & Judy Rogers (Disposing of our trash and watching the house)
- Leavie Smith (Collecting our mail and watching the house)
- Hershel Rose (Free sweet corn in Illinois)
- Hank Hartshorn (Corp of Engineers facilities information)